| Env Name | Sub-Directory | Page Title | Web Page Name | Static Title | Description Meta Data | Keywords Meta Data |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | About Us | AboutUs.aspx | True |
Tegratecs company location and overview of history;
integrated business applications, innovative software solutions, concurrent multi-use
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Contact a Real Human Being at Tegratecs | ContactTegratecsSSL.aspx | True |
Streamlined way to ask us a question or find a resource within our company on a parti
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Contact Us | ContactUsSecured.aspx | True |
Streamlined way to ask us a question or find a resource on a particular topic.
contact method,
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Website User Check In | MyAccountInfoSecuredCS.aspx | False |
Create a Web User ID or edit your profile info.
Web User ID; Tegratecs Development Corp.
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Privacy Policy, Terms of Use and Disclaimer | PrivacyPolicy.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Change Permanent Password | SetMyPasswordSecured.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Web User Sign-In (using SSL connection) | SignInSecured.aspx | True |
secured log-in page for website users with a Web User ID
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Site Map by Category for Metadata Management | SiteMap.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | | Visitors Of Dubious Distinction inquiry | VisitorsOfDubiousDistinction.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Edit a Digital Asset Delivery Event Entry | DigitalAssetDeliveryEvent.aspx | False |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Work with Digital Asset Delivery Events | DigitalAssetDeliveryEventInquiry.aspx | True |
Define links between digital assets and web page events.
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Edit Directory Master Entry | DirectoryMaster.aspx | False |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Work with Directory Names | DirectoryMasterInquiry.aspx | True |
Create and edit actual sub-directory locations used within the web site. If a web pa
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Edit Environment Master Entry | EnvironmentMaster.aspx | False |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Work with Environment Nicknames | EnvironmentMasterInquiry.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Item Master Maintenance | ItemMaster.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Item Master Inquiry | ItemMasterInquiry.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Edit Site Map Category | SiteMapCategory.aspx | False |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Work with Site Map Categories | SiteMapCategoryInquiry.aspx | True |
Define categories for the site map page here.
site map categories,
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Edit Site Map Detail Entry | SiteMapDetail.aspx | False |
Define details to appear on the website site map
site map details,
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Work with Site Map Detail | SiteMapDetailInquiry.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Edit Web Page Index Entry | WebPageIndex.aspx | False |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | CMS/ | Work with the Web Page Index | WebPageIndexInquiry.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | EER/ | (Prototype) Enterprise Expense Reporting User Sign-In (Prototype) | EmpExpReportingSignInSecured.aspx | True |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | EER/ | (Prototype) Expense Report Line Item Entry (Prototype) | EmployeeExpenseReportEntry.aspx | False |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | EER/ | (Prototype) Work with Expense Report Line Items (Prototype) | EmployeeExpenseReportEntryInquiry.aspx | True |