| Env Name | Category | Seq# | Link to Page Sub-Directory | Link to Page Name | Query String | Query String |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Content Management | 200 | CMS/ | EnvironmentMasterInquiry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Content Management | 300 | CMS/ | DirectoryMasterInquiry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Content Management | 400 | CMS/ | WebPageIndexInquiry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Content Management | 500 | CMS/ | SiteMapCategoryInquiry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Content Management | 600 | CMS/ | SiteMapDetailInquiry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Content Management | 700 | CMS/ | DigitalAssetDeliveryEventInquiry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Introductions | 20 | | AboutUs.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Introductions | 25 | | ContactTegratecsSSL.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Introductions | 40 | | SiteMap.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Navigation | 101 | | SiteMap.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Prototypes | 10 | EER/ | EmployeeExpenseReportEntryInquiry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Prototypes | 20 | EER/ | EmployeeExpenseReportEntry.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Prototypes | 30 | EER/ | EmpExpReportingSignInSecured.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Prototypes | 40 | | VisitorsOfDubiousDistinction.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Registration | 101 | | SignInSecured.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Registration | 201 | | MyAccountInfoSecuredCS.aspx | ?mode=create | ?mode=create |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Registration | 251 | | PrivacyPolicy.aspx | | |
Edit Delete | TDintranet | Registration | 301 | | MyAccountInfoSecuredCS.aspx | ?mode=update | ?mode=update |